Taste of Europe – Day 4
21st September 2018
Taste of Europe – Day 6
24th September 2018

Taste of Europe – Day 5

‘Find the loudest voice’, ‘take the most colourful picture’ and ‘find the ingredients for your favourite Greek recipe’. These were some of the tasks, that the participants had to fulfil in the morning of the fifth day of Taste of Europe. The participants were sent to the local open market to do a scavenger hunt – a game, were they had to find the answer to many different questions.

“I liked to use my senses. I smelled, touched and tasted many different things,” said on of the participants.

“It was nice to come out and meet the locals. They were all really sweet to us and told us their stories,” says another participant.

“We met a lady, who told us that she came from far away, just to shop at the open market. She explained us how she likes to buy things from people she knows and that the market is a social event for the visitors,” the participant continued.

When they left the market, they  carried bags with gifts as cucumbers, tomatoes exc. and a lot of new information on why to shop.

After the game we attended a presentation from a local expert. She learned the 55 participants about ecological foot print and how to decrease our CO2 emission by changing our diet. She told us, that we now use as many resources to feed ourselves in one day as we used on a whole year 200 years ago. Furthermore she gave us a table on how much water, land and CO2 you need to produce meat, chicken, milk, wheat, rice and oil.

The afternoon continued with presentations from locals. A school teacher came to learn us about the eating habits of the ancient Greek gods before we ended the day with a quiz about gastronomy.